How much could you save by ditching the cigs?

We are a nation of smokers in the UK and the proof is in the pudding with spends of just under £24 BILLION on tobacco products last year alone (2021).

Everyone knows that by quitting smoking, you can improve your health and potentially add years onto your life. But there’s so many other areas of your life you can improve by taking the plunge and quitting!

Have you seen our calculator?

Motivation to kick the habit can sometimes only be incentivised with cold, hard cash. Our smoking calculator can help you figure out exactly how much you could save just by quitting. Simply pop in the basic information about your smoking habits into the calculator and our handy tool will work out the following information about your smoking habits instantly:

  • Weekly cost
  • Monthly cost
  • Yearly cost
  • 5 year cost
  • 10 year cost
  • Cost to date

You can also compare quotes for both non-smokers and smokers and see the price difference for yourself in literally seconds!

Hard earned cash

Think about what you spend your money on everyday, if cigarettes are one of those things, then you could be saving a lot of money by making one change. On average according to NHS data, smokers in the UK smoke 10 cigarettes a day (2019), meaning you could be saving £1,825.00 a year just by quitting smoking.*

Ways to track your savings

There’s all sorts of inventive ways that you can watch the money pile up if you have recently quit smoking. Here are some of our top suggestions for motivation to save:

  • Find a giant jar and watch your money physically pile up. If you want an aesthetically pleasing one, you can buy a giant glass jar from Amazon for about 20 quid or if you want to be thrifty then you could just get a five litre water bottle and cut the lid off.

  • You could also work out how much money you typically spend on cigarettes each month, get a set of envelopes and put that amount of cash in one envelope at the end of every month. At the end of the year, you can open all the envelopes and see how much you’ve saved!

Save money on your life insurance

Did you know your life insurance premiums could be moderately cheaper if you were to quit smoking for 12 months or more?

If you get in touch with your insurer after you’ve been cig free for a whole year then a lot of life insurance providers will look at amending your cover to reflect this, meaning that your monthly life insurance premiums will most likely reduce in price. Plus, as long as you keep off the cigs then your policy will continue to have a non-smoker status, meaning you could save a whole load of money on your monthly premiums over the course of your policy!

Other improvements by quitting

In case saving a load of money wasn’t enough of an incentive to stop smoking then maybe some of the physical changes you’ll probably experience when you quit will tempt you:

  • Whiter teeth
  • Longer life
  • Better looking skin
  • Improved fertility
  • Breathing is easier
  • Better sex 
  • Improved taste and smell
  • Working out isn’t as difficult

What we do

At Caspian, we look at your smoker status and a variety of other factors in order to advise what policy is best for you. We take into consideration your wants, needs and current circumstances to create the right cover for you. Start your life insurance journey today and click the button below!

*According to our smoking calculator, with the price for the pack of cigarettes set at £10, with 20 cigarettes in a pack, smoking 10 a day.