Can You Get Life Insurance with No Medical?

Life insurance can feel like a minefield, with lengthy application processes, health checks and monthly premiums. At Caspian Insurance, we believe it should not be like this! While there can be a lot of confusion over the different policy types, it is important that you navigate your way to the best deal for your individual needs. This is where we can help.


In some instances, an insurance provider may ask you to complete a medical examination or report before they will offer you cover. However, this is not the case for everyone. You may be able to eliminate the part of the application process that requires a medical report. This is known as non-medical life insurance.


It is important to note that life insurance without a medical is not available to everyone, and can depend on a number of factors.


What is non-medical life insurance?


You may be able to take out life insurance with no medical, and this means you will not be required to complete a series of health checks. However, it will depend on factors like your health, lifestyle and family medical history.


For example, if you are young and in good health, you will likely be qualified for non-medical life insurance. If you have had previous health issues or you have smoked for a long time, an insurance provider may be more likely to ask you for further medical reports.


Insurance premiums are based on things like age, weight, alcohol intake and smoking, as well as family history, any previous medical conditions and even your occupation. This is because each of these factors can have an impact on your overall health, and it may make a difference to the type of cover you are able to get.


The healthier you are, the less risk you will pose to an insurance provider and could mean your monthly premiums are lower.


How do you get life insurance with no medical?


When applying for life insurance with a provider, you will be asked a number of basic questions about yourself and your lifestyle. This is so the provider can provide you with an accurate quote.


If you are deemed to be in good health and not high risk, you will not be asked to undergo a medical examination or provide additional medical reports. Instead, the insurer will simply only use existing health information and simple questions to complete the underwriting process.


This usually refers to your medical history provided by your doctor, as opposed to undergoing further exams or providing samples.


Non-medical life insurance is ideal for those who are in full health, but it is important that you answer any questions about your health and lifestyle truthfully. To find out more about applying for life insurance or finding the right quote to suit your needs, get in touch with our friendly team of UK advisors.